Afonnikov D., Wingender E.1
Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Novosibirsk, Russia
1Gesellschaft für Biotechnologische Forschung, Braunschweig, Germany; E-mail: [email protected]
The C2H2 zinc-finger domain is one of the main
classes of DNA-binding motifs. Its tertiary structure consists of two beta-strands
packed against an alpha-helix. The alpha-helix binds into the major groove
of DNA and involves several side chains, which are in specific contact
with the nucleotide bases (positions -1, 2, 3 and 6 relative to the first
residue of the alpha-helix). However, the details of this specific recognition
remain unclear. In this work, we investigate previously published data
from phage display experiments using the Zif268 polypeptide (Choo Y., Klug
A., 1994, PNAS, pp. 11163-11167 and 11168-11172). These data represent
a set of amino acid sequences of the alpha-helical region that were selected
according to the highest DNA-binding affinity from a large pool of possible
polypeptide mutants. Note that these "artificial selection" data
have no "evolutionary dependence" thus contrasting with sequence
data extracted from the protein databases. To estimate interdependencies
between individual positions in the DNA-binding helix, we used both the
linear and partial correlation coefficient approaches for several physico-chemical
parameters in the sequence positions, namely, isoelectric point value,
hydrophobicity, polarity, and the side chain volume. As a result, we demonstrated
that the isoelectric point values in positions -1, 1, 2, 3, and 6 were
negatively dependent upon each other (the values of linear correlation
coefficients are in the range of -0.4 to -0.65, i.e. 95%-significant).
Analysis of the other parameters also showed the presence of several highly
correlated position pairs. We have also investigated clustering of the
sequences from the phage display data in the space of amino acid quantities
in the sequence positions. We used tree diagram reconstruction for all
the above quantities. The analysis of these diagrams shows that the cluster's
structure for the isoelectric point values, hydrophobicity, and polarity
trees are similar contrary to the tree for the side chain volume. The tree
diagram for the isoelectric point values shows also that the sequences
binding the same DNA site fall into the same cluster. Our results reflect
the functional importance of the positions -1, 1, 2, 3, and 6 of the alpha-helix
and agree with the existing data on the zinc-finger domain. In addition,
our results may provide an information on quantitative relation between
the isoelectric point values at these positions. We believe that this information
could be useful in understanding the mechanism of zinc-finger/DNA recognition.
This work was supported by grants of NATO (N. HTECH.LG 951149), Russian National Human Genome Project (N 12312GCh-5), Russian Foundation for Basic Research (N 96-04-50006 and 97-04-49740), and German ministerial grant (N X224.6).