The genetical language as linguistic system

Ratner V.A.

Institute of Cytology & Genetics, Theoretical Department, 630090, Novosibirsk, Russia; E-mail: [email protected]

The system of the rules and regularities of genetic information records within the sequences of DNA, RNA and proteins is considered as linguistic system. The sequence of monomere symbols are considered as genetic texts with their grammar; the encoded molecular features and functions - as elements of semantics. The regularities of (1) genetic code, (2) separation of functional units, (3) formation of punctuation marks, regulatory sites and regulatory zones within genetic texts, (4)formation of spacial structure of proteins, etc., - are among these rules. The most general rules and regularities of the genetic language grammar and punctuation, semantics and synonymy, hierarhical structure and block-modular principle, and also of its evolution are described. Genetic language is the most ancient natural linguistic system in the World. It is the language of self-reproduction, molecular functioning, molecular component building, and external signal perception of the cellular Molecular Genetic Regulatory System. The basic similarity and partial differences between the features of genetic language, natural human and artificial computer languages are demonstrated. They are reviewed in context of "Human Genome" and similar projects of DNA sequencing. Similarity is indication of common principles of organization and evolution of natural linguistic systems.